It may have been a small room but it was a hugely enthusiastic and appreciative crowd that greeted Canada's Corb Lund and The Hurtin' Albertans. This 4-piece's country sounds are something a little different for me as it is a genre where I am quite selective in what I'll listen to but this was one of the most enjoyable shows I've seen all year.
Like all the best country artists Corb is a great story teller and whilst some of his songs are serious and some not so, all are delivered with a rhythm and tone that capture the listener so that one gets caught up in the tale. Most of my favourites were songs from the 'Hair In My Eyes Like A Highland Steer' album (with which I'm most familiar) such as the title track, "Hurtin' Albertan", "All I Wanna Do Is Play Cards" and "The Truck Got Stuck". The tracks that were aired from the new album 'Horse Soldier! Horse Soldier!' (all stories about the cavalry in times of battle) also grabbed my ear enough to walk out with a CD from the merch table.
Despite the confined space there was dancin' and clappin' and hootin' and hollerin' from great portions of the crowd and the band too seemed to be having a great time - Corb was barely without a smile on his face (though maybe that had something to do with the beers he was chugging!) We were told that they've had the best reception this time from any of their Australian tours and have promised to be back soon... check 'em out.
(Photos by Vanessa Berry.)